Gulf betting

Source : Pixabay.

Welcome to Golf Betting Guide. The site aims to provide an essential online golf betting resource for both the novice bettor and serious golf punter alike. The site is updated each Wednesday with our weekly golf tournament bet, lay and spread selections for those weeks US PGA and European Tour events. Each pick is based upon our assessment of current and past form, other golf statistics (Greens in Regulation, Driving Accuracy etc) and odds value online real money casinos.

Every update will include at least one pick for each of the outright winner, Tournament Index & Match Bet markets for both tours, and include a “Nap” bet for the pick we consider our strongest selection. Subscribers to our free golf betting newsletter (left) receive these picks two days earlier on the Monday evening together with best price availability for the selections on the betting exchanges, spread firms etc. One lucky subscriber will also win a pair of tickets to the 2005 British Open at St Andrews, Scotland!

Golf Statistics

Player finishing positions in the past five tour events are available at-a-glance for every golfer on the US PGA and European Tours in our golf statistics section. If you want to check a player’s performance more than 5 tournaments previously you can do so by clicking the “previous 5 tournaments” link.

We also maintain world rankings and money list/order of merit stats in addition to a results and schedule page for both tours and we will be expanding the range of golf statistics over time.

Betting Strategy

In here you’ll find lots of useful information including tips for finding value bets, and tips on betting with the exchanges and spread firms. We’d welcome your comments, suggestions and ideas for content you’d like to see added to the site so please feel free to contact us.

Exchange Betting Guide

Betting Exchanges have revolutionized the betting industry since their launch 5 years ago. Unlike traditional fixed odds bookmakers, the exchanges merely act as facilitators to match bets between customers; hence you will sometimes hear the term matched betting to refer to betting exchanges.

All the odds on offer are placed by customers who want to lay bets with other punters. Punters who want to then bet (back) a selection can then either take the best odds made available by layers or state the odds they are prepared to bet at. The Exchanges offer the following advantages over traditional fixed odds bookmakers:

On average, the odds are 20% better.

You can back or lay a selection, acting as either a punter or bookmaker respectively.

You can set the odds you’re prepared to back or lay at.

You can bet/lay in-running, i.e. whilst an event is in play.

There are several betting exchanges available but the dominant player jeux de casino is Betfair due to its first-mover advantage and superior liquidity. Having an account with them is an absolute must for the serious golf bettor. They offer the widest range of golf markets to bet on and some of the odds available are just incredible.

The exchanges make their money by charging a % commission on all winning bets. If you have several bets on a market and some win and some lose, the commission is only charged once on the overall profit. If your bet/lay loses then you pay no commission.

Market leader Betfair takes up to 5% commission on winning bets but this is usually amply compensated for by the massive range of markets, excellent liquidity and more generous odds available. For this reason, the very first thing I recommend you do is to open an account with Betfair. Some of the smaller exchanges like Bet only charge up to 3% but this comes at the expense of (currently) fewer markets and less liquidity.

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