
To preserve the life of your automatic gearbox and ensure optimum performance, it’s essential to adopt good maintenance and driving practices. Here are a few tips to help prevent premature wear on this complex system.

Check gearbox oil regularly

Automatic gearbox oil plays a crucial role in lubricating internal components and ensuring smooth gear shifting. Lack of oil, or damaged oil, can lead to transmission problems and accelerated wear. So it’s important to check the oil level regularly, following the manufacturer’s recommendations on frequency and method of verification. In addition, it is essential to change the transmission oil at regular intervals to eliminate impurities and maintain optimum performance.

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Never leave the vehicle in neutral for long periods: Some drivers tend to put the gearbox in neutral when stopping at red lights or when parking. However, this can damage the mechanics of the automatic gearbox, as the engine has to work harder to start up again. It is therefore preferable to leave the car in D drive to avoid unnecessary stress on transmission components.

Drive gently and progressively

Aggressive driving, with abrupt acceleration or hard braking, puts a heavy load on the automatic gearbox and can accelerate wear. Smoother driving, by anticipating stops and avoiding rapid gear changes, limits the stress on the transmission. Smooth, moderate driving contributes to the longevity of your gearbox.

Don’t overload your vehicle: Respecting the load limits recommended by the manufacturer is crucial to preserving your automatic gearbox. Constant overloading can put excessive pressure on the transmission, forcing it to work harder to move heavier weight. This can lead to overheating, premature wear and even transmission failure.

Check transmission cooling regularly

Overheating is one of the main enemies of automatic gearboxes. So it’s important to ensure that the transmission cooling system is working properly. Some cars have specific coolers for the transmission, especially in models that are used for long journeys or in difficult conditions. Proper cooling helps maintain an ideal operating temperature and prevent internal damage.

Get regular preventive maintenance: Even if you drive carefully, it’s important to have your automatic gearbox checked by a qualified professional. Preventive maintenance can detect minor problems before they become major breakdowns. Regular checks on the condition of the transmission and other associated components, such as wiring and sensors, will help extend the life of your transmission system.

By following these tips, you’ll optimize the life and performance of your automatic gearbox. Regular maintenance, gentle driving and compliance with oil check instructions are essential to preserve this vital component of your vehicle. By taking good care of your gearbox, you can avoid costly repairs and ensure the long-term reliability of your car.

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